The Centre will engage in diverse training and community needs in environment, health and agriculture. The purpose is to promote sound environmental and climate management approaches, increase manpower and youth capacity in different sector of the African economy, as well as enhancing employment capabilities. ACCARD initiative will also provide entrepreneurial skills in craft and working knowledge in oil spill management, water treatment, safety and first aid, and other environmental aspects.
The following aims and objectives will be achieved by:
(a) Increasing youth capacity (through specialized training, workshops, conferences and seminars) and mentorship programmes.
(b) Increasing community awareness on the principles of sustainable and green development, as well as environment management.
(c) Pursuing attitudinal change in environmental protection through the established environmental clubs in secondary and tertiary institutions, as well as, the communities environmental watch groups.
(d) Producing an environmental magazine, “De Environment” “Environmental change reporters” “African “Environment Health Newsletter” to increase environmental and health awareness and show case livelihood projects.
(e) Promoting innovation, agricultural development, science and technology for community development projects.